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Nasal Lavage For Allergies

Salt water rinses aid with allergy and infection. The sinuses are designed to protect you against foreign invaders – such as bacteria, pathogens, allergens, pollutants, dus...

Steam Inhalation For Respiratory Ailments

Salt water steam treatment for allergy and infection of the respiratory tract. Mucus Is Your Friend! The entire respiratory tract is lined with mucus-secreting cells that b...

Cognitive Reserve: Use it or Lose it

Most people envision their “golden years” filled with pursuits of post-retirement enjoyment and assume they will have a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Although aging is in...

Beat the Cold and Flu Season

With the circulation of colds and various viruses this season, many of us are worried about being next. Hearing “Ahhh CHU!” sends us backing up, surreptitiously looking for...

Caring for Loved Ones

One of the most demanding jobs one can be called to is care giving.  Not every family member is gifted in this area.  Consequently, a large portion of responsibil...

Artificial Sweeteners—Are they a Healthy Choice?

Recent studies have pronounced dietary supplements ineffective, coffee and chocolate healthy, and low fat diets unhelpful in reducing cardiovascular disease or cancer risk....